Hey, guys, I hope you are doing good in this tutorial you will be knowing how to configure Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin. In this tutorial, we will talk about the latest Yoast SEO and how to install Yoast SEO plugin, Yoast WordPress SEO settings, and Yoast SEO review.
What Is Yoast SEO?
So, before starting let me introduce you to Yoast SEO, it is the most powerful and advanced plugin when it comes to SEO management in WordPress, it has several features altogether packed to this single machine. Many bloggers including me are using this plugin to enhance their rankings in search engines.
Here are some features packed in Yoast SEO plugin.
- It verifies sites in Bing, Alexa, and Google.
- Yoast supports Facebook Open Graph.
- It can generate Google friendly sitemaps and it can also generate user/author sitemap.
- Can hide WLW,RSW, and short links form header.
- Hide published date from snippets.
- You can edit .htaccess file.
- If you are using another SEO plugin previously, Yoast SEO has the ability to import your settings from that SEO plugin.
- RSS feed settings.
- You, can add Google authorship for a single author.
- Has the option to enable/disable breadcrumbs.
If you were using SEO plugins, for example AIO SEO, HeadSpace 2 or any other SEO plugin. So, there is no need to get worried for the saved settings as Yoast SEO Plugin has the capability to import all your saved settings to it without changing the settings again.
For importing the settings from other plugins first you have to enable the advanced settings page which is under the dashboard in features or DASHBOARD >> Features >> Advances setting pages.
Now to import these settings go to SEO >> Tools >> Import & Export >> Import from other SEO plugins and select the SEO plugin from which you want to import the settings. ( I prefer selecting one plugin at a time rather choosing all the plugins at once )
Yoast SEO Dashboard
We will be starting our Yoast SEO configuration from the dashboard in this step we will configure yoast seo by its own configuration wizard which is in Dashboard >> General then tap the configuration wizard.
After hitting on ” Open the configuration wizard ” you will find a screen just like one which is below. Enter your name and e-mail address and tap on next.
Now coming on to Environment screen, Yoast SEO will ask you what type of website is it, whether is it a.
- Production site which means it is a live site meant for live traffic.
- Staging means this site is a copy of a live site used for testing purposes.
- Development which means this site is running locally on Wamp or XAMPP.
Site Type
A New Screen Will appear which is ” Site Type “.
- Blog: This option is for bloggers and the sites which are meant for blogging. I will select the first option as my website multitutorials.com is a blog.
- Webshop: It is an online store or shop in an e-commerce application mainly used for business-to-consumer which is B2C or business-to-business which is B2B processes.
- News Site: A site containing the online versions of newspapers, either as a stand-alone publication or the online version of a printed newspapers. A news site can also be a site containing news from different parts of the world.
- Small Business Site: It is a severally in hand and operated company that’s restricted in size and in revenue reckoning on the business. … a producing facility and the staff is less than five hundred individuals.
- Other Corporate Site: A Corporate site is an associate degree informational website operated by a business or alternative non-public enterprise like a charity or non-profit-making foundation.
- Other Personal Site: World Wide Web pages created by an individual person which contains personal nature text.
I have described all the types listed in ” Site Type ” you can select any of them according to your convenience. As my site is a blog I will select the first website type, now tap on next.
Company Or Person
Now, this data will be shown as a meta data in your site. This information will also appear in Google’s knowledge graph. You can be either a company or a person.
You can choose any of them again to your convenience, I will choose ” Person ” but if you choose ” Company ” you have to upload the logo of your company also. After selecting your desired option tap on next.
Social Profiles
Now add your site’s social profile on different social networks that are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Username, Linkedin, MySpace, Pinterest, YouTube, Google +.
Just paste your site’s link from these social networks and paste it there.
Post Type Visibility
In this step, Yoast SEO will ask you to which things to show on the web and which things to not show in search engines.
- The Post Types ” Posts ” & ” Pages” should be: The post types should be always visible because it is no need of writing posts unless you are showing them to audience and search engines.
- The Post Types ” Media ” should be: The post types media should be hidden as we don’t want the search engines to render the media files and show them is search results.
After doing the stuff tap on next.
Multiple Authors
Now, yoast will ask you, does your site have multiple authors these authors could be your partners or guest bloggers. As every growing blog at some stage will have multiple authors either in guest bloggers or partners. So always choose yes for it.
Google Search Console
This is a very crucial step in order to get appearance automatically in Google. Now, Yoast will ask you to connect Yoast SEO plugin to Google search console in order to check the un-crawled pages, posts and to check 404 error pages.
After connecting to your webmaster account you have to select your site’s domain from the list, then tap on next.
Title Setting
This Yoast SEO title settings should include Website name and title separator.
This setting is very simple it includes the website name where you have to simply enter your website name and title separator it will include 13 title separator and the most preferably used is ” – ” this one so I would suggest you use the first title separator as it is also good for SEO.
Success!! Now you have successfully configured Yoast SEO plugin by its simple configuration wizard.
Now we’ll configure the Yoast SEO plugin further in the next section of this tutorial.
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