Want to make your chrome window large so you can see more content? Its really simple to go full screen in chrome, but there are a few tricky points… To go full screen in chrome web browser you simply push F11 on your keyboard. On some laptops and keyboard in order to evoke the F11 […]
How to install iOS 9 on your Android device.
iOS is an operating system exclusively designed and built for APPLE DEVICES which looks and feels the best when using whether front-end or back-end security wise. So it’s kinda hard to develop and design operating system which works on Apple iOS servers and work exactly the same as that, We cannot port iOS because almost […]
How To Start A Youtube Channel In 2018
Many Of you may have seen many YouTube channels growing a hit in the trending sections of Youtube homepage, there millions of channels which deserve to be there and they get a huge amount of traffic through which they generate revenue by using Google AdSense or either using affiliate links in the description. As I […]