SEO Tips You might have seen many of them by many of the firms before and also might have applied them. But these 20+ SEO Tips are guaranteed to increase your traffic within a week or within a month at its maximum.
Before Starting you should know these Below things then only you should ahead to SEO tips.
What is SEO.
SEO term refers to Search Engine Optimization a way of Optimizing your site content and site structure, design which is basically done in two techniques either On-page SEO or Off-page SEO the both are done in a different way and they both help a lot in Search Engines Ranking but always quality does matter.
Also read: How To Make Money Online.
On-Page SEO.
On-Page SEO is technique a way of optimizing your website every individual page or post to get higher rankings on Search Engines.
On-Page SEO is basically done with title tag optimization, Content Improvisation and Content Optimization, Meta Tags Optimization, Social media Optimization, Slug Optimisation with the focus keywords you wish to target. In this article, you will also read about On-Page SEO Tips also.
Off-Page SEO.
Off-Page SEO are the techniques which are of non-page SEO and includes the tactics which are related to making backlinks.
Off-Page SEO includes social bookmarking, making quality backlinks, blog commenting, guest blogging, link building, Social Bookmarking and all other things that are opposing White Hat SEO. In this article, you will also read about Off-Page SEO Tips.
Top 20 SEO Tips.
These Top and the best SEO TIPS are guaranteed to increase your site traffic just follow each and every tip to increase your site traffic and profits up to 90%.
On-Page & Off-Page SEO Tips.
Here we will begin about playing some On-Page and Off-Page tricks. All you need to do is follow each one of them to increase traffic by 90%.
Basic & killer SEO Tips.
Basic SEO tips refer to the tactics of writing the content which you should use every time you write an article in a manner so it could be easily understood by the visitors and the search engines as well.
The below guidelines are strictly followed by Google Guidelines. So the below part, even Google do prefer.
- It has been observed using the focused keyword in title,s will be guaranteed to increase your traffic.
- You should use H1,H2,H3 with the focused keyword that’s a good way to keep your SEO on balance and the readability as well.
- Interlink your articles with other articles.
- Use small paragraphs.
- Add Image ALT tag with the focus keyword.
- Don’t use stop words in the permalink.
- Write meta descriptions yourself including your focused keyword or Search Engines will take out meta descriptions by itself with the content.
- Write Killer and short Article titles or automatically generate it from here.
- Try to add keywords in the starting paragraphs of the content.
- Highlight your keywords with bold and italics such as “SEO TIPS” or “SEO TIPS“
Update & Upgrade Content Regularly.
Every blogger should update their site’s content and articles regularly as I have discussed before also that you should update and upgrade your site’s content with a strategic plan.
For example, I have 10 number of published articles so I will update one article a day which will take me 10 days to completely update my site content, After that, I will write the articles according to my comfort.
Search Engines love to display the content that is been regularly updated.
Increase Social Media Count.
Social Media increases your Website’s Rank in Search Engine’s. Social Media is becoming very famous nowadays and almost 85% of the population is using Social Media and that’s why it’s a good reason to promote your stuff on social media.
You must try social media like/traffic exchange sites to increase your Social media count and Website traffic also.
You can also make out some traffic from Social Media groups and pages just find one of them which is relevant to your niche and start posting your site’s links there.
Social Media Increases Your Website’s Rank in Search Engines.
Write Unique and High-Quality Articles.
You should write Unique(A Single Piece On The World) and High-Quality Articles spend some days on writing an article or even a week, whatever time you spend on writing articles that should worth the article.
If you are writing many of the articles per day it might get your site rank fast in search engines but if you are writing articles that are copied from another blog or are just pinged so believe me you are wasting your time and money as well because whenever search engine’s find copied content they penalize the website having the copied content and in some cases they might get DMCA TAKEDOWN NOTICE.
Search Engine’s always show quality not quantity.
Write More than 750 words.
If your website is new and you are struggling to get the traffic you should strongly follow this tip. Spend time writing your article so they made quality and do try to write at least 750 words. Write Easy to read and understand content, Write well organized content so that the visitor could where one topic end and where one starts.
Try to write in-depth articles containing case studies, Reviews that contain each and every query regarding the topic so that the reader should not feel to go to another website doing this will reduce your bounce rate too and will increase your Search Engine’s Rank.
Before publishing the article you should read it twice or thrice checking for any grammatical error or for any misspelled words.
Search Engine’s love to show long written content but not too much long.
Optimize Site Structure.
Optimizing your site’s structure makes it easy to read for users and search engines also and it can also lead to better crawling of the site by the search engines.
Here’s an example of bad site structure and good site structure.
Don’s use the word that Search Engine’s can’t read that is Stop Words.
Below is a list of some stop words that will help you to make good site structure.
Pro SEO Tip: Always use the focus keyword in the URLs.
- Able.
- Abroad.
- Above.
- According.
- Across.
- Again.
- Became.
- Because.
- Been.
- Before.
- Beforehand.
- Begin.
- Below.
- Came.
- Can.
- Cannot.
- Cant.
- Can’t.
- C’mon.
- Dare.
- Done.
- Don’t.
- Down.
- Downwards.
- During.
- Edu.
- Eg.
- Else.
- Either.
- Elsewhere.
- Ending.
- Fairly.
- Far.
- Few.
- Fewer.
- Fifth.
- Five.
- Gets.
- Given.
- Getting.
- Going.
- Gone.
- Gotten.
- Had.
- Hadn’t.
- Hasn’t.
- He.
- He’ll.
- Hello.
Although these are only some of them a full list of stop words can be found here.
Search Engines sometimes can’t read stop words which makes your article rankless.
Make High-Quality Backlinks.
This is one of the all-time favorite SEO TIP. There are many free and premium software’s which try to give backlinks by the number of ways but they all are bots generated and they might not be high quality and authoritative.
There are many free and premium software’s which tend to give backlinks to their own system but they all are bot generated itself and aren’t high-quality backlinks which increase website traffic.
The backlinks which are handmade they only offer an increase in search engine rankings.
One of the easiest way for getting quality backlink is blog commenting in which you do prepare 2-4 lines for impressing the author for his or her work and at the last a line dedicating your site which you will be using to make backlink for example:[ I am a reader on daily basis onto your blog I love to read each and every line of your blog posts and I almost read 100 articles on your blog which do really help me a lot in getting the results. I’ve made a website [Here Comes Your WebSite Link] which is highly inspired from your tricks, which categorizes in SEO, Blogging, Make Money Online, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing, E-mail Marketing.
Another method of making backlinks is getting them from Social Media by just following this method.
- Find a Group or Page which is relevant to your niche and join that group or page.
- Be their for some time and increase their passion by liking and commenting good.
- After some time Start Posting your site’s link there.
That sit now you got some high quality traffic with a backlink too.
High quality authoritative website’s rank 90% higher in search engines.
Increase Relations with other Blogs Do Guest Post.
Everyone want’s to increase their reputation in their business and in Online Business you should do a guest post to increase your blog’s reputation in the business and make high-quality backlinks and get traffic as well.
Well you write articles for your blog and in return, you might not be getting results so why not write some article for the blogs that are highly populated on the web in return you will get backlinks and traffic as well that will surely help you to increase the rank of your blog in search engines.
Here is a list of some highly authoritative guest post enabled blogs.
Prepare Articles according to their guidelines and Start Guest Blogging.
As many relation you have with the blogs around the web as popular your site will be.
Submit Your Website To Search Engines.
None of the Below will work if you do not submit your site to search engine’s webmaster console. It will take a long time for crawling your site’s pages.
If you haven’t done submitting your site to search engines submit your site first to them this will be the first and furious SEO Tips. Prepare a good sitemap for the search engine’s that they will take for indexing your web pages and submit them.
Here is a good free sitemap maker for your site.
Pro SEO Tip: If you do have WordPress Site do install Yoast SEO plugin and generate a sitemap from their the best sitemap generator for WordPress.
Here is a list of major Search Engine’s Submit your site to webmaster consoles.
Non submitted websites take 37% more time for crawling then submitted website’s.
Be Local.
If you are having a local business so that’s good if not Google and Bing will do. Verify local listings and target local customers that will increase your sales.
Verifying local listings and increase your site’s rank in search engines.
Verify Local listings here.
Localizing your site helps you to increase your sales.
Add Canonicalization of your Domain.
This is one of the most common factors do every site owner experiences.
If your root domain is or then you have to setup permanent 301 redirect which will redirect to or to
Search Engines Doesn’t show duplicate content only unique matters.
Make a good use of Robots.txt
Robots are the text format information file which helps search engines to show the file or not with the help of some usual tags for example
Do index the files that are required to get indexed nor the files that are meant to get indexed
Here is a good example of Robots.txt file listed below.
User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /wp-admin/ Disallow: /recommended/ Disallow: /comments/feed/ Disallow: /trackback/ Disallow: /index.php Disallow: /xmlrpc.php Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/ User-agent: NinjaBot Allow: / User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Allow: / User-agent: Googlebot-Image Allow: /wp-content/uploads/ User-agent: Adsbot-Google Allow: / User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile Allow: / Sitemap: sitemap:
Robots help search engines for indexing of web pages.
Proper Keyword Research.
When it comes to optimizing your content for SEO you should do Keyword Research before typing a single word because if you write an article on a highly competitive keyword or niche then it might not rank in the search engines.
But if you are writing on a low competition keyword or niche it will surely rank your site on search engines. Long tail keywords are highly recommended as they are more searched these days.
Here is a list of the Tools that I do prefer and even I use them these tools work in the perfect way and have all thing that you will need for a perfect Keyword Research.
- SemRush [ Highly Recommended ].
- Longtailpro [ For Generating Long tail keywords ].
- Google AdWords Keyword Planner.
Focusing on a well researched keyword saves a lot time and get ranked easily.
Mobile Friendly.
It’s the 20th century where the population uses mobile phones to surf the web and making only a website is not enough making it responsive it matters.
This SEO tip will also increase your rank in mobile surfing.
Google rolled out their all new algorithm where mobile optimized websites seem to get better rank on the search results.
Here is a list of some great mobile optimized website test which you should perform RIGHT NOW.
Mobile optimized sites rank higher in search engines nowadays.
Add Custom error 404 pages.
Many of the newbies don’t add a custom error 404 pages to their sites, they help to decrease bounce rate and increases rank although nowadays themes are built in with that, but if not you should take a little care of that.
Don’t change the permalink also of the article after publishing it can cause too many bad requests and a 404 error. So always do avoid that.
Always do not change the Permalink of the published article that always leads to “error 404 page”.
Here’s an example of “404 error pages”.
For getting a free “404 error pages” you can go here and download one of them of your choice that will improve your SEO.
Search Engine doesn’t love to show the content that is not at its address.
Optimize your site.
Many of the websites add too many of things to their host space that increases the load time of the site that leads to decrease site speed.
Decreasing the site speed causes an increase in bounce rate; although people will come onto your blog and they’ll wait for some time, after that if they don’t see anything on the page they will take an exit from your website.
Always try to optimize your images as they always take some load time. WP Smush plugin is a good plugin which optimizes your images.
Here’s a list of some site speed test.
Do a test in any of the above-stated sites, after finishing up with the results try to fix the errors you,ll came to see in the results page.
Speedy Sites rank higher.
InterLink your articles.
If you want to increase the traffic, visitors as well as the authority and it also increases your On-page SEO of this SEO tip will surely do that for you.
Interlinking your articles is basically done by connecting your blog posts by each other to increase the time per visitor on your blog and the traffic as well. Wherever you think you should link another article you should link out there.
Here is a list of some good automatic interlink plugins for your blog
- Mentionable.
- WordPress default search & interlink.
- WordPress Insights plugin.
- SEO Smart link.
Interlinking your blog posts always increase traffic.
Experiment every time.
Every time you may experiment with your blog you will learn new things every time that can help you to do better, so always try to experiment.
Doing Experiments will help you to do better every time you work.
SEO Consultancy.
There are many SEOs whom do offer SEO consultancy for a little money but sometimes it’s not as little money as they want.
But I do prefer instead of spending big bucks why not to do it by yourself and if you do read this full article I can guarantee, you can do your best Search Engine Optimization from these SEO tips.
Here is a list of some Websites whom do offer.
SEO Consultancy for FREE!
I am also offering free SEO Consultancy for your business to a limited time period only.
How to apply for Free SEO Consultancy.
- Subscribe on my blog with your email address.
- Send me a email at “” regarding SEO Consultancy.
- I will prepare a proper pdf for SEO Consultancy within 24 hours.
Final Words.
These SEO Tips are tested and verified from Google guidelines so there is no chance of getting them wrong. Just apply each and every SEO tip onto your blog and see the results within a week. Even I will help you for getting results by my free Search Engine Optimization Consultancy limited period program.
clay smith says
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