How To Start A Youtube Channel In 2018

Many Of you may have seen many YouTube channels growing a hit in the trending sections of Youtube homepage, there millions of channels which deserve to be there and they get a huge amount of traffic through which they generate revenue by using Google AdSense or either using affiliate links in the description.

As I said there are millions of YouTube channel present on the plant, their categories are even different some of them tend to be concentrated on personal video blogs, technology, automobile, audio covers and one of them which is growing very rapidly that is fashion and makeup industry.

If you want to create a youtube channel then there is nothing better than following this tutorial, you can also follow this tutorial if you want to create a blog through which you can earn even more, but in this tutorial we will learn how to create a YouTube channel.

Create A Google Account For YouTube Channel

The complete process of establishing a YouTube channel just take few minutes and it is quite easy also. After creating a YouTube channel you can customize your channel by uploading your channel logo or your photo, and you can link your channel with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

So first you have to create a free Google account from here you can easily signup from here for a free Google account. The process of creating Google account is pretty simple you just have to open the link stated above and then you have to enter your information in the stated boxes just like one below.

The process for establishing your own YouTube channel takes just a few minutes. You’ll then want to customize the channel by adjusting a handful of options, uploading your photo or logo, and linking your channel with your other online social networking accounts, like Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

 Also, keep in mind if you are creating a YouTube channel for a specific purpose such as for branding or you have to do something of your own such as reviewing gadgets, etc.

Then You should create a YouTube channel with freshly made Google account or you can say that you should create a new Google account for that purpose.
If you are creating YouTube channel for the promotion of your business to locals then keep in mind that there is no specialized accounts for that purpose, you have to edit some handy settings under the account to specify your business audience to ensure that your business is outreaching the people of the location where you need clients from. After editing those settings, you are ready to publish your videos.

Create A YouTube Channel

  1. Launch you preferred web browser on your computer and make sure that it’s connected to the internet.
  2. Open www.youtube.com.
  3. YouTube Homepage will be opened, from there click on “Sign In” link that is present just near the top right corner of YouTube homepage.
  4. “Sign In” screen will appear but as now we are creating a YouTube channel we will click on signup or create an account instead of be signing in, but don’t worry about that as usual YouTube will prompt to first create a new Google account.
  5. Now a new screen named “Create A New Google Account” will appear, you have to enter the same information in the way we entered before when signing up for Google, you will be asked to enter your first name and last name, then you have to choose a unique username; YouTube will create a YouTube channel named as your username, so select the username that you want to want to be the channel name .Next, you have to create and confirm the password by entering the chosen password twice, you also have to choose your gender as well as phone number and email ID for further confirmation and verification. If you are creating YouTube channel for your business then don’t sign up using your personal email address just choose your business email address even I don’t prefer to use even that, just use a new email address specifically created for that purpose only.
  6. After filling up the information click the “Next Step” button to continue further.

Tip: Select a username that is easy to spell and easy to remember. If you are creating YouTube Channel for business then pick the logo of your business in YouTube channel profile and in Google Account profile both.

  1. Now, you have to create your Google Account Profile, this includes uploading your optional profile picture.

After Successfully following these steps you will receive two emails in your inbox from Google. In one mail you would be asked to verify your email address, to do that just click on the link they’ll provide in the mail.

The second mail will contain the details of your newly created Google account, don’t delete that email as whenever you have some issues regarding the remembrance of the channel it will get handy and easy for you to get information from it easily.

Congrats!! For your newly created YouTube Channel


Sarthak Sharma:
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