Ghost -Just A Blogging Platform; Basically a new blogging platform which is kinda similar to and may be a new game changer in the industry of blogging platforms. Ghost CMS blogging platform design is simply unreal and elegant. The screen splits up into two columns whereas the left side represents New Post, Content, Team, Settings under which you have General, Navigation, Tags, Code Injection, Apps, Labs. The right screen represents the automatic live preview of the post how it will look when published. If you want to add tags, keywords, Meta Data [ Extra content for search engines and social media ] you can do it by tapping at the small box which is at the bottom of the screen.
Although the Ghost CMS Design is incredibly very basic with non-intimidating while you have to brush your HTML skills. Ghost CMS provides HTML tips throughout Ghost CMS Help and support area to show you how to upload media including audios, music, images onto your Ghost CMS blog. However, you may need to add ” **Text** ” after and before every section you want bolded so it should make the casual blogger look for an easier blogger service.
Ghost CMS settings are minimum in the dashboard however, you are allowed to set your blog public or you can set it to keep private. RSS feeds don’t come along with the standard edition of Ghost CMS you have to setup RSS feeds by your own, so to set up RSS feeds you have to download RSS feed burner and paste it onto every post and pages. The absence of widgets and plugins feels irritated all the times. As Ghost CMS is a growing company so it has a lot of things to be packed along with the platform although, they are constantly adding features to meet the demand of blogger’s.
To help in any query or problem they provide a remarkable amount of technical help options. At, any time writing articles you can pull up the HTML tips which will surely help you. Ghost CMS Team also provide “ Ghost For Beginner’s “ which is a very nice program on which you can learn how to build a blog and such various things.
Ghost CMS Review
Pros- Of Ghost Content Management System
- Open to everyone: As I stated Ghost is somewhat same as WordPress and also open to everyone that means everyone can download the free files to build a Ghost Blog. You can also build a free blog on their platform but you have to pay for the monthly hosting.
- Easy, Flexible and Simple: Ghost is simple and flexible to use to use for newbies. You can easily make an elegant looking blog without getting any problems or issues.
- Ghost Made Content Creation Easy: Ghost Provides real-time content preview which is really helpful. Ghost Provides a separate screen for writing content where every word you’ll write will reflect the preview which will look exactly the same as when the content is published.
Cons- Of Ghost Management System
- No feedback from real users yet: As Ghost CMS Platform is newly launched, So that’s why they’re no feedbacks from real Ghost Users which make us choose the best CMS platform.
- Ghost CMS Lacks Plugins: WordPress have a number of plugins for your search query and has over 46,090 plugins whereas Ghost is an establishing platform and surely doesn’t match that number yet and that’s why it lacks the functionality and the easiness.
- Testing Phase: Ghost blogging platform is still in beta testing phase and yes there’s a lot of things which need to improvise and added to make Ghost blogging platform to meet the demand of the blogger’s and make it quite decent to use.
About Ghost CMS
Ghost CMS was actually written by the Ghost project founder John O”Nolan at the start of November 2012 who is the former deputy lead of WordPress UI Team after being frustrated by the complexity of using WordPress as a blog instead of Content Management System.
Ghost CMS project is managed by a Non-Profit Organization in the United Kingdom called as the Ghost CMS Foundation which was basically established following a Kickstarter campaign this Non-Profit organization currently employs 6 full-time members who work on Ghost project to make it better from the previous day.
Ghost CMS is beautifully coded in Node.js of Javascript execution engine on Google’s V8. Ghost interface is simple, elegant and interesting.
Ghost CMS is free to download and to use as is and in addition, Ghost provides a free blog on their servers but require hosting fees which are $10 per month. For the users who pay monthly fees receive automatic data backup along with updates and email support.
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Hi there Sarthak,
I have never heard about Ghost CMS, but as you described it here, it looks good.
I will give it a shot on my subdomain.
Cheers, Clay.
Thanks dear !